Sunday, September 28, 2008

Password Security

This is a new blog for me because I think it is so important for me to have a place for readers to find information about securing their passwords. I will use this blog as a reference when people are working on other projects and password security comes up. I am not a know it all about any type of security, but I think I have experiences and ideas to help readers be more secure.

Why is this so important?

Although I don't want to be a pessimist, the reality is their are people out there trying to get you. Every day there are people looking for mistakes other people have made to exploit them. The motives can range from finical gain, personal attacks, malicious intent, to any number of other reasons. Recently there have been posts of many popular people being successfully attacked, due to lack of password complexity. In recent web posting Sarah Palin may have even been hacked. The Sarah Palin hack may be a hoax, but the simple theory on how it was suggested the hack was performed is very realistic.

Should we stop using the web?

Probably not, but using your head when on the web is very important even for average people. Keeping your passwords secure should be on the top of your list.

Of course, so why do we doesn't everyone just keep their passwords complex and unique and use best practices?

This is the simplest, it's hard. There is no magic wand that makes us remember everything, so the more complex they are the more likely we are to forget ourselves.

What can we do?


This post will start with basic mind set, tricks to help remember password, using password hints securely, reviewing tools which store password, changing passwords regularly, using different passwords for differnt sites, reviewing hardware which uses fingerprint or like minded security, and many more.

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